Problem #1 – Strategic Plan on Shelf
The Strategic Plan should not be an outdated binder that lives on the shelf, collects dust, and is seldom looked at. This is the #1 problem we hear from executives around the world. They share with us that strategic planning can be one of the most difficult and frustrating experiences for their team and organization. Here some of the key reasons why plans don’t get executed and stay stuck on the shelf.
Key Reasons why companies don’t execute their strategic plan very well.
For a variety of reasons, many organizations fail to execute once the strategic plan is in place. According to Forbes, here are some of the reasons why companies don’t execute their strategic plan effectively.
- Doing a plan because others do. Some organizations go through the motions of creating a strategic plan because they’ve heard that every good organization must have one. Like most everything in life, you get what you put in. If you’re going to take the time to do it, do it right. We can help you determine whether you need a strategic plan or not. If you have a strategic plan, we can help you to execute the plan so that you can actually achieve results and improve your business. We stay with you and keep your organization on track.
- Minimal commitment. Presidents and CEO’s must be fully committed and fully understand how a strategic plan can improve their enterprise. Without this knowledge, it’s tough to continue to stay committed to its execution. We believe that there must be a full commitment, or we won’t take the job. We work closely not only with the team, the sponsor, and the key leaders.
- Selecting the right people for the team. We help you select the right people for the strategic planning team. With visitors on the team, there’s little commitment to do anything after the plan is written. Those involved in creating the plan must be committed to seeing it through execution. Those charged to execute the strategic plan should be involved from the onset.
- The Plan doesn’t have a good shelf life. The environment is constantly changing. Competitive events could change everything. Unless the team is committed to ongoing involvement in the process, the plans made a few months ago may not be relevant or working now. We see strategic planning as an ongoing process with the binder’s content being continually reviewed. We stay with you throughout the year and schedule review meetings regularly. This creates accountability and also helps to execute the plan.
- Having the wrong leaders involved. Presidents must be willing to make the decisions to ensure the strong leaders are in the right jobs. The “strong” individuals are those who will advocate for and champion the strategic plan and keep the process on track. Often companies ask us to help coach key leaders. Top Level Coaching is a sister company. Our executive coaches work with leaders to improve their effectiveness. We confidentially isolate issues and get people on track.
- Lack of accountability. Once the strategic plan is completed and resources are committed there must be consequences for not delivering on the strategy. We and help the sponsor to deliver the right message upfront about the necessary commitment. We also regularly keep in touch with the sponsor about the effectiveness and the execution of the plan.
- Unrealistic goals, resources, and focus. The plan must be realistic. We recommend three initiatives. That helps ensure that the strategic plan can be executed. Having more goals is possible, but too many priorities decrease the probability of execution. Sponsors must be prepared to assign adequate resources to achieve the goals and objectives in the plan.
Using these guidelines can help ensure that your plan is executed and that binder won’t stay on the shelf. As your strategic planning consultant, we help you to avoid these issues during the planning process and throughout the execution of the plan.
We stay with you.
There are two other problems we’ve heard from executives about Strategic Planning. Read about these issues by clicking the links below or on the home page.
- Problem #2 – The Strategic Planning Process is too complex.
- Problem #3 – People often don’t ask (or answer) the tough questions in strategic planning sessions.
To learn more –
- Click here to download our Strategic Planning Assessment Tool
- call Rob at (513)772-5115
- use our contact form
- or schedule a meeting with me.